Sustainability and the protection of our environment are more relevant today than ever before. Innovations and technologies play a crucial role in addressing the challenges associated with resource utilization and environmental conservation.
Our in-house deinking installation allows us to fully manage the process of recycling waste paper. This is unique in the premium recycling paper sector and sets us apart. We use significantly less energy than other paper manufacturers and generate a minimal wastewater pollution.
What is Deinking and why is it important?
Deinking is a specific part in the recycling of waste paper. It refers to the process of removing the printing inks contained in waste paper. During this process, waste paper is dissolved into individual fibers in water. The waste elements and inks are then separated from the fibers by the use of enzymes, causing them to float upwards. The remaining suspension of paper fibers can be processed into new paper products. The deinking process holds paramount importance as it allows us to utilize waste paper as a valuable resource. The waste paper fibres replace fresh fibers from wood pulp. This conserves energy and saves water consumption. Our deinking installation, here at Lenzing Papier is equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
1. Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection: Thanks to the deinking installation, Lenzing Papier has no need for any fresh pulp fibers. Fresh pulp fibers are usually used in the production of high-quality paper or cardboard. At Lenzing Papier, we rely on secondary fibers obtained through the processing of waste paper. Through efficient ink removal from paper fibers, waste paper is transformed into high-quality raw materials for paper production. Lenzing Papier does so without compromising the quality of the end product.
2. Energy Efficiency: Lenzing Papier has implemented processes that reduce energy consumption and enhance efficiency. The deinking process is operated with "gentle" enzymes, requiring minimal energy input.
3. Emission Reduction: Lenzing Papier recycles process water. The inevitable process wastewater is purified in a state-of-the-art, multi-stage wastewater treatment facility that leaves nothing to be desired.
4. Promoting the Circular Economy: Lenzing Papier’s recycled paper manufacturing process is an integral part of a circular economy concept, in which products and materials are designed and utilized in a way that allows them to be reused, recycled, or returned to the natural cycle at the end of their lifecycle. This approach conserves natural resources, reduces environmental impact and waste. What is particularly positive is that the starting material: collected waste paper is processed into high-quality paper products by Lenzing Papier.
The Key Differences between Recycled Papers
Lenzing Papier has been a market leader in premium recycled papers for many years. In contrast to conventional recycling paper, which often has a distinct grey-brown color, our paper stands out with a clear, white appearance. There are other paper manufacturers of white recycled paper, which differ in their manufacturing processes. These manufacturers outsource the deinking process to external companies, sometimes situated in overseas countries. This deinked material needs to be dried to save transport costs. In our in-house deinking installation, this step is eliminated, as the wet material is processed directly on the paper machine. As a result, the production of our premium recycled paper is significantly more energy-efficient.
Sustainable Energy as a Competitive Advantage
Another factor that distinguishes us from our competitors is our integration of energy with the nearby wood processing mill's energy production and facilities. In this wood processing mill, a brown liquor comes free as a by product. This liquor can not be used for other products. The liquid is burned in boilers to generate steam. The steam produced there is utilized ingeniously to dry the paper at Lenzing Papier. This intelligent resource utilization is characteristic for Lenzing Papier.
The Lenzing Papier team is dedicated to continuously improving processes and technologies to protect the environment and resources. You, too, can support our mission of sustainable business practices by consciously choosing recycled paper products and actively advocating eco-friendly practices. Together, we can make a positive contribution to a better future for the generations to come!
For more insights into the waste paper recycling process, we kindly invite you to watch our video on sustainable paper production: v=Dg9LiyLolkw